Sunday, December 9, 2012

For groceries -- Carrefour

Ma writes,  
"We went to the Carrefour, a French version of Wal-Mart, to buy our lunch supplies, diapers and milk. Fortunately we have had a small fridge in all of our hotel rooms. The China Hotel, in Guangzhou is our fanciest hotel so far."

Pa writes,"On a Sunday morning we went for lunch supplies. We wanted PB&J for lunches. Oreos, diapers and baby wipes. Big on list was potato chips and Oreos with strawberry fillings as well as green tea filling."
Samantha writes, "My experience at the grocery store was sometimes sickening. Fish heads, Duck Heads, Geese Heads and lots of cockroaches, which didn't seem to bother Mom or Dad. But despite the animal heads and the roaches, Mom let me buy some dumplings and they were delicious!"

Pa writes -- 
 To enter the store one walked down stairs. 

Looking up from the entrance we saw some apartments. I note that though the store sold all things laundry, seems people do their laundry at home.

All the items we might see in a large department store were present. 
 Like 1950s America we are introduced to all the "good things" now available. We are encouraged to want whiter teeth, shaven bodies and cosmetics, diapers, toilet paper and the like. The glories of frozen food and new and wonderful implements and devices of all kinds. 
 On the lowest level is the food store. We found food brands from N. America and Europe. Jam from France. Then the local supermarket. 
 Many women bringing elderly parents to the store. One can only wonder how these elders viewed all this flash and plenty. They were here in the "Starving Times."   
 Now we have Pre made foods to take home, meal kits ready to cook a very nice looking bakery as well as raw ingredients. 
 My sense is that we were shopping in an upper middle class market. Perhaps higher given the large amount of imported food. 
 Raw ingredients.
Fish Heads

Choose a live fish for dinner?

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